Welcome to my blog site, "All for the Glory of Christ". This blog is dedicated to the One who saved my soul from eternal damnation and who has given me a new heart, causing me to be born again to see the glorious realities of God and of heavenly things. Jesus Christ alone is worthy to be called the King of kings and Lord of lords for He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to God, the Father, except through Him.
I have lived a life of rebellion against God, seeking my own pleasures and selfish desires instead of His. It was at the turn of the millennium that God penetrated my heart and caused me to see the depravity and wretchedness of my soul. I stood condemned before the Holy, Righteous, and Almighty God. Guilty I stood, and I could only plead for mercy. I needed a Savior. I pleaded my case and called out into the chambers of eternity, "Son of God, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who has come to take away the sins of the world, save my wretched soul!" And God, in his enduring mercy, accepted my plea, forgave, redeemed, and justified me by the infinitely precious blood of Jesus Christ.
12 years later, He still faithfully sustains me, purifying my soul daily, causing me to see and understand all things in the light of truth and love. Praise the Lord! My life and likewise this blog, is an expression of the deep gratitude and awe that I have of my Savior, my King, my God.
I started allforthegloryofChrist.blogspot.com February 2008. I post anything that is meaningful to me, from personal journal entries and devotionals by C.H. Spurgeon to photos and videos that speak of the glorious gospel of Christ to everything else in between.
What You'll Find on AllforthegloryofChrist.blogspot.com
- If you look at the right side of the screen, you'll see Blog Archive. Click on the months to access archived posts.
- Right below that is my profile which lists my email address, personal info, and interests.
- Below that are my recommended websites. There are many valuable resources in each one.
- Below that are the blogs that I regularly read.
- Below that is the verse of the day, in English and in Spanish
- Below that are two Bible searches. Type in a keyword or passage in the Bible and the results from Logos or Bible Gateway will appear in a new window.
- Below that are labels, categorized from all the posts on the blog.
- At the bottom of the page, you'll find a collection of files that can be downloaded. They range from PowerPoint Bible Studies that I created to articles, books, sermons, mp3s, and posters that tell of the gospel of Christ.
- Below the files are streaming Sermon Jams. Play each one to hear a Christ-exalting message.
- If you want to search for something specific, there's a search box on the top left corner of the page.
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