It has been days since I have fallen on my knees, face down before the Lord. I have been in a state of unrest and uncertainty, and though I know that Christ is my firm foundation, I haven't completely rested in Him. I should be going somewhere, doing something, heading toward a specific direction, flying high, but instead, I'm grounded. I suppose everyone is looking for something -- happiness, pleasure, excitement, friends, love, anything to satisfy the body and soul. We go to and fro, wanting and wanting more. This is where unrest begins. We go out into the world trying out new things, pursuing our heart's desire. However, do we ask if the Lord's anointing is upon these plans? Will we hear at the end of it all from the Lord of all, "These empires that you've built, these relationships, these pursuits... what have they to do with Me?" I pray that we won't have to face up to that shame. I pray that the Lord will say to us, "Well done good and faithful servant."
On my knees, face down before the Lord, I gained this insight. We are not accustomed to waiting. Some can barely wait a few seconds for a line to move. We live in such a fast-paced, overstimulated society that meditation on the Word of God and the waiting for His leading and prompting becomes foreign and uncomfortable. As a result, we run around like chicken with their heads cut off. How I wish we can slow down and examine things carefully. Consider the flowers, the trees, the fruits of the trees and how they grow marvelously over the course of not minutes, nor hours, nor days, but months and years. Nature's beauty, formed over time, declares the majesty and glory of God. His handiwork is evident in all the universe and so it would be preposterous to think that He neglects us and our daily needs. If He gives so much attention into the finest of details in nature, allowing months and years to pass in order to bring a work to completion, wouldn't it follow that He does the same with our lives? Oh if only we had more faith! Then we would trust Him all the more. Moses had this insight in a recorded prayer. "For a thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night." (Psalm 90:4) It benefits us to remember God's perspective when we lose sight of our own. Learn to fear Him, so that we may obtain a heart of wisdom and experience the enduring love and mercy of the Lord.
On my knees, face down before the Lord, I gained this insight. We are not accustomed to waiting. Some can barely wait a few seconds for a line to move. We live in such a fast-paced, overstimulated society that meditation on the Word of God and the waiting for His leading and prompting becomes foreign and uncomfortable. As a result, we run around like chicken with their heads cut off. How I wish we can slow down and examine things carefully. Consider the flowers, the trees, the fruits of the trees and how they grow marvelously over the course of not minutes, nor hours, nor days, but months and years. Nature's beauty, formed over time, declares the majesty and glory of God. His handiwork is evident in all the universe and so it would be preposterous to think that He neglects us and our daily needs. If He gives so much attention into the finest of details in nature, allowing months and years to pass in order to bring a work to completion, wouldn't it follow that He does the same with our lives? Oh if only we had more faith! Then we would trust Him all the more. Moses had this insight in a recorded prayer. "For a thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night." (Psalm 90:4) It benefits us to remember God's perspective when we lose sight of our own. Learn to fear Him, so that we may obtain a heart of wisdom and experience the enduring love and mercy of the Lord.
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